El dissabte 10 de novembre de 2018 la Big Band de Gençana va tocar al MUV (unes naus de València i ara s’anomena MUV!).
Els músics tenien un camerino i a la banda de Gençana li va tocar un molt gran on va deixar les seues coses.

La Big Band al MUV!

La banda estava formada per varies persones que tocaven una varietat d’instruments.
Quan va arribar l’hora del concert, la Banda va estar molt nerviosa per si s’equivocaven.
Van tocar 7 cançons. A més, el director, Carlos Máñez, estava tocant amb Gloria Gainor.
Mentre la Big Band vaja fent més concerts continuarem informant.

Fernando R.


On Saturday 10º of March the group of music from the Gençana’s school named BIG BAND played 4 songs.

This band played these songs on the school’s playground.

The BIG BAND is a music group of students that play different instruments, like the electric guitar (played by Jacobo), the drums (played by Fernando) , and the xylophone (played by Carlos). All of them are my friends.

I liked the 4 songs the band played. There were:

«Watermelon Man» of Herbier Hancock.

«Chameleon» of Herbier Hancock.

«Oye como va» of Tito Puente.

«Highway to hell» of AC/DC that was the song that I liked most.

Marcos V.