During this time of quarantine, an increase in the production and consumption of plastic has been observed. This increase occurs both in hospital and domestic use.
In my opinion, this could be really harmful for the nature because plastic pollution is one of the main environmental problem in our planet.
For starting, we cannot forget that plastic is an essential material for personal protective equipment: masks, gloves, face shields… Furthermore, plastic is a material that can be easily disinfected and can be very practical in making protective partitions for workers that are with other people during these moments.
However, as we already know, our marine ecosystem and its species are threatened. For example, turtles and seabirds have died because of the ingestion of plastic. Another of the detrimental effects is air pollution for manufacture of plastic, something that many of us are not aware of but that affects our health.
In conclusion, although plastic is necessary for some uses, we must try to reduce its consumption because otherwise our planet may be even more polluted than it’s at the moment.